Saturday, 9 July 2011

Corsica - more updates coming

Working on new content

In case anyone is following my blog, hopefully a few of you are (if not by all means sign up to receive email alerts of new posts), I'll shortly be adding a lot of new content and giving an indication of what I'd ideally like to achieve by building this site, with the assistance of a number of influential French and Corsican tourist industry professionals.

Calvi citadel, Corsica
Calvi's citadel perching beneath a backdrop of mountains

This week 'en Corse'

I read a few big stories this week about life on the island, one of them reporting on a small earthquake in the sea off the Corsican coast and the other was celebrity gossip about Kate Moss spending her honeymoon on a superyacht near Corsica.

2012 Corsica Holidays

I plan to have this site finished by the end of the summer, therefore if you're planning a holiday in Corsica in 2012 (or even September/October 2011) I hope that you'll find all the information you need here.

Church in Patrimonio, Corsica
The famous church in Patrimonio, Haute Corse
Keep watching this space and thanks for taking the time to read this far! You can email me any feedback or comments if you have any suggestions, advice or experiences you'd like to share.

If you find this Corsica website helpful, please retweet (RT) on Twitter or recommend this page on Facebook using the icon below. It will gradually help spread the word and offer others the opportunity to discover this amazing island too.

I'm also using this as an experiment to see whether social media can help to develop my idea into a business, so why not join in and be part of the experience with me? If it works, I will make sure every credit is given to those who helped.

Grazzi à tutti !

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